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Ņujorkas draudzes Gada sapulce // NY Latvian Congregation Annual Meeting

Sakarā ar Covid-19, Ņujorkas draudze rīko savu gada sapulci virtuālā Zoom vidē 21. februārī plkst. 11os no rīta EST. Zoom pieslēgšanās saikne tiks izsūtīta tikai tiem, kuri uz sēdi iepriekš piesakās (pieteikšanās ankete vēl tiek viedota). Gada sapulce noritēs latviešu valodā.


Due to Covid-19, the New York Latvian Congregation is holding its annual meeting via Zoom on February 21, at 11am EST. The Zoom link will be sent only to those who sign up to attend the Annual Meeting (the form is still being created), which will be held in Latvian.