Cik TU zini par 12427?? // How much do YOU know about 12427??
Reģistrēt komandu // To register your team:
From the same people who brought you ALJA Trivia, comes…. Nometne TRIVIA!! Join us Saturday, July 18th for a family-friendly Nometne-themed Trivia Night! This event will be held in English and Latvian, and the questions will be about all things camp!
You can play as an individual or as a team. To register, please fill out the attached Google Form either way (only one Form per team is necessary). Please note, if you are playing as a team, you are responsible for communicating with your team members outside of the Zoom session where trivia will be held (group chat, separate video call, etc); all participants will be muted. All answers will be submitted via Google Forms - one Form per round per team to be submitted by your team captain. There is no cap on team size.